
say akan menulis dan mendeklamasi sajak sepertimana yang dikehendaki

bloody ass...a hundred times..and it will accumulate..till i finally write the sajak.BUT I DONT WANT TO! bah hambug.giddy up baby.
i forgot to say,i met mab the other day.she very skinny.very jambu.hah.boobah hambug.
ahahha..today very fun.piano was a-ok.owe jy cab fare.things are ok now,i guess,i should try to make an effort.hhmmm..must not let other people put me down.ceh..self-esteem konon..ahaha..nanananana
i still donna what to write for my sajak!repek lah..nie lah,tu lah,arrrgghhh..i wanna watch kym eng and her first english debut.lol.pretty hilarious,whole family hooked on it.hah.eeeeee..
dier dah balik.dier tu cute.heh.jeepers bleepers.hope everyone is a-ok,hooray!
hah.yesterday spent ages talking on the phone with a-fah.hah,she's going to kill me for using that..lol..(: we wathced apperentice together..gosh,that guy is so cute my heart stops.hahah

and the oc..

"i love you"
"thank you"

hah..so cute!



hah..dint go school today..blergh..woke up with a nose full of gunk.doc gave me one day mc and a whole lot of tablets to swallow..blergh
my uncles worker's wife came here to stay with us for awhile..abit weird ah..ish..i'm so not used to having a person stay with us.like extra like that..hah.
then summore i dunno what to say to her.and then like that.and then like this.owe ram a lj-lunch.pish-posh..i wanna that banana split pie thingy! yum..

and oooo..i got cd i wanted!! ahahah..i'm blowing my money all around the world..oops..and i think i took way too much money.still have to pay tuition..nyahaha..




whee..finally my kuzzie got it right! she's a superwoman..ahaha..<3

dint go mad today,woke up with a sore throat and flue.took those pills and fell right asleep again..yum..i love sleeping..heh..
ermm..tuition just now..rury said perfect opp came early! noooo..and where was i? in bed..ahha..no more pressing feeling today! yayness

imma bored bored girl..isnan clicked me that day..and we exchanged all of two sentences..wow..he was doing this research on genetic engineering what not..heh..

yummy yummy bobammy..i love the book that i'm reading! heh..
ooohh..the gig..may said it was okay..wheee..it was a small one though,can't wait to see the pics!ahaha..and all of the touching..wow..



boo..i cant make up my mind..but i think i'll use this for good..=]

wings of steel

because all the pain that u feel is not worth it and because all the hurt that u feel will one day go away

the rainbow has a pot of gold at the end of it and u have another person waiting to love,trust and honour

cos when it feels like all is lost just remember that u have me to lean on and through all this troubled times just reach out and i'll be there to catch you

cos when it feels like the rain is falling and the sky is dropping

and it feels as though the world has stopped spinning andu can go crazy and insane and something smells like durain here..it's so not nice..



sumtimes u feel like screaming

sumtimes u feel like shouting and sumtimes..

u feel nothing at all except for the deepness of ure sorrows and the darkness of ure gloom

but the light at the end of the tunnel

though it burns very dimly is here waiting

cos u see..this..is not the end..this..is

the pain

the hurt

the abyss of gloom and darkness and the rainbow u cant find

the happy thoughts u cant conjure

the happy feelings u cant register

u turn and u see no one

u turn and u see emptiness

cos of the whispering of winds

of the caress of touch

i feel u like a silken web

entwining and enveloping

like a baby's cry

full of joy and sorrow

of grief of knowing that u can never turn back time

u fight against the towering tide

that is suffocating

the blue of it is blinding

and the cold it seeps right through u

through the very essence of humans

and the blood it flows like river ice

it freezes and it hardens

no amount of molten gold is able to melt

is able to make this hard heart to feel.

to love

to care

cos what is love but an illusion of things that are yet to be?

what is lovebut empty promises?

love is a feeling

love, it comes and goes

and love..u'll forever cherish

u'll treasure

u'll hold dearly and close to ure heart

the sunset that paints and glows

and the sunrise that brings with it a new hope

and the moon rising

makes u think of compromises

of forgiveness...

the milky way binding two things together

of the empty galaxy

and of the land far far away

u dream of ure childhood fantasies

of nostalgia

of faeries who do good

of witches who destroy

of gods who create

of humans,too folish

of that one red apple that caused gloom

of that one spell that caused disaster

as i sit and wait for my turn to come

i think and think of ways to comfort

cos i noe no one would be left all alone

and the heaven that sparkles

that showers us with love

it ignites a spark in me

a spark that would one day blossom

like a summer flower

only with much care and tenderness

and with that i would ignite

like a burning flame

burning deep inside of me

and the intensity that follows

would hurt

deep inside

but i..

i would emerge...


i have..the wings of steel...


i heart my cuzzie..aha..she was the one who helped me do this! i am hopeless..ahaa..its like what,1.30 in the morn and i have mad at 9..sheesh..but really lah..i'm dreading falling asleep right now,i hate tt pressing feeling..i've been feeling it like alot of times this past few days and its just so sucky. it's like ure trapped and u can't move and when i complain to dad..he'll say its just the air circulation.air circulation my ass.feels good to listen to offspring.yummy music.heh.

went to parkway.wanted to get dan brown but decided against it.what are library's for anyway?i'm already number 68 on the reservation list for the shopaholic thingy..ahahaha..and its like 20% off summore..sheesh..but i GOT THE SANDALS THAT I WANTED! yayness!
nannaa..i'm so sleepy..i love reading about vampires..aunty faz dint like it..heh..

gorgeous man..