
this is it.

tuesday is my first paper.and then i'll be waiting with bated breath.wish me luck.


oh..my tummy aches

never again will i eat something from geylang.it is contaminated and dirty and it made me vomit.yup.three huge mouthfulls of it.disgusting.then i had to camp outside the toilet cos i keep heh.shitting.and its liquid shit.seriously disgusting.i'm still not feeling better today.hope i'll be ohkay by tomorrow though.phy pract.grrrr.ok,remember nad,three sig fig,accuracy to the smalles square.and that and this and that.
rury's dvd is stuck in my comp.heh.sorrie babe!yup.and sha,pass me back my stuffs tomorrow ah.or when the first paper starts.i like ure new skin!
haha.tas wrongly smsed me.no wonder.i met up with my cuz that day.we studied together along with wan qi and her friend.wan qi was so desperate to go the concert!haha..'iiii wwwaannnttt yooouuuu'


fun fun fun!

ooohhh..let me talk about yesterday!went out to study with collin thad and deb.the plan was to go the esplanade library but goon collin got the two libraries mixed up.we were just about to go and strangle him when i came in to save the day!lol.but yeah,we finally made it in the end.the lib was so quiet but the view was fantastic.we sat at these neat couches near those huge huge windows with that great great view.u could see the sea and the trees just swaying.then it started to rain.it took me a few minutes to get started on chem cos i kept gazing out of the window!then suddenly i saw someone that looked exactly like the mr bus stop.panicked awhile.luckily he got out soon enought.when we couldnt stand the silence,we all packed out and took a boat ride!

yup!the uncle was so nice.instead of paying 12 we paid only 6 bucks and we got a bumboat all to ourselves!so we sat on the boat and we boated[?] pass the merlion and a couple of beaches.we waved madly at other tourist in other boats!it was so much fun!then we headed back towards a stairwell where i prayed and we headed towards the front to just sit and chill.i felt guilty though for studying of all of 2 short hours!but it's ohkay.so we sat and talked and laughed and talked and debbie was so bored!but she didnt complain much though! <3
so we stayed there until round 5.45 and then we went to taka to go eat seoul garden!
ooohhh..there were some cute guys there.all sporting that legendary[lol] belt that i am in love with.no need with clues here!so we sat.the others took the food first and started cooking and cooking while i waited a few more minutes.
collin and thad were in LOVE with tau gay.they kept on taking plates and plates of those white things and started to cook them.it was great just having dinner with them!then we ate..and ate..and ate..and ate..like there was no tomorrow.okay,not really lah.the soup was disgusting.
so afterwards,we had ice cream and a dare!yup.we dumped everything inside and each one had to taste it!thad cheated though so we added ice cream to the soup and he had to taste it!it had a weird burnt taste though.hah.but it was so much fun fun fun.
the day ended there then.lol.but i really enjoyed the bonding session and the laughs!



yesterday was grad.everything was ohkay.we started by learning a new song by miss tan.god noes how it went.then there was mad photo frenzy.we took the whole class at the stairs.mrs lee was our photographer!then there was early recess and we all trooped to the hall.
the event was okay actually.mrs chai was retiring so we sang her a b-dae song,cos it happened to be her bdae too!then we had the video presentation.followed by the speeches by the class representatives.di did quite well actually!everyone was thanking all the teachers and then we had to go and shake hands with all and i mean all the teachers.hand was feeling numb after that.everyone was tearing and hugging.its so sad to say goodbye ):
on a happier note,i went for piano and met with my darling cuz!we studied under the void deck somewhere.great wind though.then we went for buker and then we went to kfc.along the way she had to put up wtih my madness cos i was screaming and laughing like nobody's business!
today,i went to study with wanqi-oh god,the neighbour is playing the freaking drums-but we cabuted halfway to go bugis!heh.so sick and tired of studying.


today was...

i skipped school today and went out to study with collin.then we went to my uncles place but no...he was not there.my cuz told him about the crush thingy and so..HUGE OOPS.heh.
actually,i have nothing much to say.just felt like blogging.so,there!haha.i'm happy.really happy!


i give up

today was funny
i asked him what song did that band play
and he shouted,i want you
naturally,the whole class burst out laughing.blush worthy moment!
i'm gonna miss my class loads.specially my friends.its scary to think that they wont be here with me to continue the next part of the journey.thad and collin could not stop talking about grad.though its gonna be a very very low key affair,i think i'll appreciate it all the same.its gonna be hard to say goodbye.oh gosh
i'm in a hurry to finish up all the cards tt i'm making.i hope it'll be ohkay.and oh,i made it for three months.dad is hell bent into making me go to tj though.but i dont want too!its so...dot-dot-dot.
my cousin brought along his girlfriend that day for the dinner.abit surprising.now everyone is bringing their girls.cept for us!haha.what to do ah babe?
so,i saw this really cute shoe which was in my size but unfortunately couldnt fit me.so we're going shoe shopping!i've already wasted two days so after all this i better get down and study.i find it hard to concentrate though.i saw tt guy loads of times today.kinder made my day.(:
i think that i have to go and water my teeth and brush my plants.i put the rice in the rice pot but forgot to on the cooker.as a result,the rice was not cooked till my dad came home to check.oh,and did i mention that my tv fell?haha.


i'm very much thankful right now cos i made it.yes.all my worries have been nothing.as usual.but yes,I MADE IT!(:
on fri,me and arafah went to eat bk.and well,we saw mr it.wow.hahah.it was funny seeing him after so long.it really feels good to spend time with her.i'm gonna miss my friend.i gave sha her uncompleted gift.heh.hoped she liked it.-but wait,she did.yah.i cancelled piano cos i thought i had classes but in the end classes were cancelled so i had the whole afternoon free.dad finished painting my two walls red so the other two will be yellow.i think.it is gonna be a riot of colours all horribly mashed up.what with my blue bedspread and purple couch!ouch.haha.
went for dinner with the whole family last night.went to pattaya gardens.the food was good and my cuz brought his girl.a bit werid that everyone is bringing along their others.we're all growing up!
the tv just fell
oh no


bloody freaking hell

i think i am way too paranoid.i worry about the simplest and stupidest things and about pple who i would-i think-never see again.ever.oh fuckwit.bloody hell.i am so freaked out for my a-maths.ms tan pointed to us saying tt we had to stay back.my self-confidence is crushed.but at least i passed phy.i hope i'll do well.cos ms kang said no one failed except a boy.i have 13 more points to spare.oh god,pls let it be.grrrrrrrr.I HAVE TO STOP WORRYING.but no,nothing's working.unable to stop thinking and thinking..what if?bloody toot.i just feel so worried!i feel like adding lah after my every sentence.bloody fuck lah.what on earth is wrong with me.has always been one of my worst traits.worry my head over nothing and then breathe a sigh of relief that everything is ohkay.saw the yishun jc guy.its a wonder that i can base how my day ends just by the presence of one person.bloody lame actually.hah.my good luck charm my ass.n-levels are on going.two classes had to shift down to the art class.not so bad actually.but the chair sucks.like real bad.oh gosh.an idiot on wheels just passed by.i give anything to be able to feel the wind pass through my hair again.oh god.prayind does make u feel good.try it.(:



oh baby,i just realised that what i had written have no meaning whatsoever.it is truly the sypnosis into everything that i have done.i dint want to tell all cos i thought it would be boring but hell,its my BLOG!huh
we have two washing machines now.my god.thought that the old one was rosak but when dad tried it,it was okay.but he went ahead to buy a new one first without checking.hah.so now we have twwwwwooooooo.anyone need a new machine?call me up k.which by the way,reminded me that i had changed my home number.but for the life of me,i can't remember what it is.624-something-something.
the canteen was packed today.couldnt find an empty table.we got booted out of bk twice.huh.and it wasnt even that crowder!saw muntaz.she didnt recognise me though.huh.still looks the same as ever.some random song is ringing inside my head.lalalalalala
creature comforts.i dont feel comfortable right now.i put words onto paper but it still seems to be fake.purge me from all of my sins.i just destroyed my bathroom.the whole thingy fell down and crashed.hahaha.
entertaining evil thoughts.i want to rule the world.join me?
wanqi tried to leave an inprint of her slipper on my face.dont know what's wrong with her.suddenly the slipper came flying at me.weird girl!then i saw a nice bodied man.huh.and then my thoughts went flying through the drain.but on a happier note.i saw that random guy with the weird teddy bear bag.haha.and there was a mass line dancing thingy going on!so weird to see all of them moving up down left right.
tra la la la la.planning with collin to get the whole class together.and i dont think that a whole bottle of glue would be able to do the work.haha
charcoal charltons.
mom nagging at me again.i know its the o's.bug off man.all work and no play makes john a dull boy.my ass.i hate it when she bites my ear off.ggrrrrrr