

i'm at my uncles place using his computer.he's not back in yet so i have the whole thing to myself!oh yeah.haha
i think i have a maths test on monday but i havent studied yet.can i ask my mudskipper to flunk it with me?heh
i guess things has been going well.hockey practice yesterday was quite enjoyable ah.we had waffles and bubble tea afterwards.
road run is on wed.i predict that i shall and hopefully fall ill.heh.i dont want to run but i want to be there.to be by the beach.oh beach.
i hope my grandma is going to be fine.its painful to see her shuffling from the toilet to the living room and then back again to the bedroom.she lost so much weight already.but she's a strong woman.never fails to nag at me.(:
i dont know when my mom is coming to pick me up.i'm still in yesterdays shorts since i came here straight from practice.oh eeewww


finding neverland

i'm getting tired of thinking of a title to write man.today went to watch finding neverland-thus the bloody title.
its a very literature movie.my class went to watch it cos the teacher wanted a write up on it.so very the semangatly we went.the six of us but minutes later i kind of forgot.it seems kind of slow in the beginning but then it got really really good.i loved the scene where they were in the garden and it looked like how i imagined neverland would look like.all enchanting and fairy like.all those pretty things lurking around and no dark side to be seen.next up would be constantine.man,keanu is hot.(:
yesterday i got new shoes!yesterday i skipped hockey to go for film society only to find out tt it was cancelled.by that time,it was too late to join the team which had left to delta.so.i ran 3km!-correction,walked.lol
i think my eyes are bengkak.they hurt.pet shop grooming exercises.oh,the fun in all of it.
i suddenly miss punk rock.

have you ever thought that someday you might turn out to be the exact opposite of how you would like yourself to turn out to be.someday you would find out that somewhere along the line,you changed from a teen to an adult.that the child in you has been completely immersed.no fun,no laughter,no joy.spinster with 99 cats.damn.



hah.did i tell you that my legs are aching?up till..well,there.lol
went for waffles and a movie.watched elektra.dint quite enjoy it.its a bit short and once u get to the ending it was a bit well,dot-dot-dot.
i'm missing kuching already.it has only been two days but i want to go back there.its bloody clean.so clean.like singapore.i swear that place is gorgeous.when we first got there,the guy kind of like gave us this city tour.so we went to this place[forgot what's it called] and kind of took in the sights of the city.i've always liked to stand on tall buildings and kind of look down.u have that really weird feeling that you are about to drop down.that u have the urge to climb over the barrier and well,fly-literally.so the guide pointed to us to this mountain called gunung santubong.and the best part is that if u stand directly infront of it at sarawak cultural village,u can actually see that the mountain is in the shape of a pregnant lady lying down.i kind of forgot what the story behind the mountain was though.heh.then we went to the hotel which was uber nice and took a long walk to this restaurant.the best thing is that we had to walk along the river and there were stalls lined up.i think it would be super amazing to just sit there and chill.the wind is great too and u can drink tea from this extremely large glass.and the tea is supper cool.then i had my potrait done!lol.i dont see any similarity cept for the glasses.heh.(:
and damai beach.breath taking.i just kind of like sat there and took in the sights.i guess u can imagine how it would feel like to have huge waves rushing towards you.pretty freaky actually.then we went to see those long houses.two houses were bloody big and nice.i wouldnt mind staying in them man.really!maybe because it was for show,that was why it was nice.but still.its like huge.ohkay,i cant really like describe it but yeah.just know that its nice k?
but the best part i guess has to be during meal times.cos my grandparents also came along and its a bit of a rarity to have us all together.it was the conversation and the laughter and the mad teasing and me going 'ingat orang-orang iraq' coz my grandpa couldnt finish his rice but he'll be slowly trying to consume it all.
and my brother got stung by a bee.that was a bowl of laughs,k,that sounded mean but really!he was screaming and crying and saying that i dont wanna die.ma,am i gonna die?poor guy.sorry ass lah he.
do you know that once u board on to a plane,u smell that weird smell that planes only have?and that hospital food smells just like plane food.lol.the view ontop the plane is gorgeous.u can see those fluffy like clouds just sail pass you and the blue blue ocean.i was so glad to be home that i started singing singapore songs.but i just remembered two lines though.lol.


oh yah

hey.i know my blog is screwed.but i'm leaving for sarawak soon.'m at the airport using their free internet!so i'll just fix it up once i get back.or would some kind soul do it for me? (:
selamat hari raya haji!

-i'm typing as though someone would actually read this.lol.oh hell.happy holidays.



i just realised how emo my last post sounded.must have been the pms.i was so down that i felt like crying each and every single time.well,things are better now.
i've got to say that my weekend was wonderful.i watched meet the fockers with joan and it was hillarious.i guess.lol.then i met astri.that made my day.(:
then i had the sleepover with my cuz which i really needed cos i got to get away from it all for awhile.it was good listening to her talk and playing with her son.he is the most adorable thing i tell you.we made a mess at banquet cos he was dumping chicken rice all over.most of it ended on his lap,not mouth.so we spent the night watching white chicks and serendipity.fell asleep around four and woke up just in time to watch ppg.my,cartoons can really make u feel good.(:
then on sun!i was part of the crowd cheering for team singapore.i went with my cuz who is mighty fun to have around.i miss her so much.[better get me free food from kfc i tell you!].she was laughing and screaming and cursing.but it was goooodddddd.i swear number six is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.she prefered the goal keeper though.he won mvp.but he's good.really good.super good.heh.
then we had a late late supper.oh man.thank god dad got the tix!
my grandma is at the hospital now.was suppose to accompany her at the hospital but we found out that they have minimal space.so i got to contend with seeing her only on tuesday.i was looking forward to spending the night at the hospital though,plus the fact that i'll be able to skip school too.i dint go to hockey.ooops.
hopefully,if all goes well,i'll be spending my hari raya haji with my family and grandparents at kuching.meow.do they have gorgeous beaches?all my dad is talking about are caves.ick.


i wish..

i wish that my heart would stop aching
i wish that he would just make his move.-the ball,is,in his court.lol
i wish we dint have pe tomorrow.i want lit!
i wish that i can be granted three wishes
i wish that everything would be okay-eventually,it does
i wish that they wont go-coz then it'll be weird
i wish that we dont have to drift apart
i need a really long girl talk right now but my besti is busy
i need to go to the toilet and deal with the laundry but am too tired
i wish we dint have hockey-6 rounds.i'll just do one.can?
i need a good movie
i want to click with my friends
i want to take a long bus ride
i want to sit by the beach and let my thoughts flow
i need to be open and accept me for who i am
i need to learn to love myself-and improve my god damn self-esteem!
i need to stop drinking peach tea.realised that the can one is just too sweet.
i need to just hang around.not do anything.
i need my friends.right.now.
god i miss you.[:


og night

first,i cant tag my tag board.huh.so collin-why dint you appeal for tp?yup,we do need to meet.and ure jokes are silly.(:
my dear cuz-since when do i know how to use html?i'm computer illiterate.lol.i heart you.(:
oh man.yesterday was so much fun fun fun!i met up with rury and we went to have lunch at my uncle's place.and as luck would have it,i saw him.and my mom knows how he looks like!*grooooaaannnnn
so.i was upstairs when kak is said that he's here.so i was like oh no.and when i got down.oh god.he cut his hair.he's really thin but has really broad shoulders.everything just falls into place when he stands up.i think rury was surprised when she saw him.i too was surprised!abit crushed.cos all that hopes kind of builds up and up and up and then ta-da.wonders if he knows that it was me.we dint really make it obvious but there was that tp badge on my collar.if he could add one and one and get two.then.he should know right.right now,i dont really mind if he knows.just one more week.all that hype.heh.so then i changed into the tee and jeans and took 12 to go meet izzah.-rury,i love you loads!
and faizurah.we got there pretty early and just hanged around waiting for joan.so,we sat at the amphi and the principal lit the campfire.it was only for a short while then we went into the hall.its air-conditioned okay!lol.
it was more like a concert then a campfire session and it was so much better.the school band was really wild and everyone was just like putting their hands on people's shoulder forming like this 'q' and running around.the whole hall went crazy.we were running and jumping and screaming and having so much fun!i fell once cos the people infront kind of like stopped suddenly.the music was really good.it was just heavy sort of songs that just gets you on the move and start jumping around.then when our family-sirius-got on.oh god!we were hot k!the girls doing the dance was amazing then halfway the ogls joined in and it was super hot. and the band-WOW.they played the reason and halfway jeremy could not remember the words so he started going la-la-la-la-la.just to fill up the blanks.it was okay cos by then the whole hall was singing along and waving their arms in the air.then the guitar club came on but by then,everyone was just sitting around.too tired already.they were really good though.then all the presents were given out.to be fair,each group won one prize each.i think sirius should win the best performance on og night plus,best points allocated throughout the games.it was soooo gooood.then the music came on and everyone started dancing and jumping and screaming and moshing.our ogls started to scream monday,tuesday all the way to sunday and then repeating it over and over again.it was good!! the hall was darkened and everyone started dancing.shiok!
heh.so it all ended at like 11 and then i made my way to my cuz house.told her bout my lovely.cant call it angel lah.weird.heh.
i cant wait to like meet up and talk.i hardly see her now a days.heh.
i called arafah to tell her about lovely and she started laughing and saying-i knew it.huh.instead of consoling me!lol.but its okay.
she mentioned that everyone is kind of drifting away.but i hope not.i just want us to stay together.friends.we dont drift yah.
i'm gonna start my day on monday with maths.oh crap.hopefully i dont have anything on tuesday.and i think i'll joined hockey.heh.


okay,i know it has been ages.i wonder if anyone ever stumbles upon my blog anymore.hmm.so.er,its 2005,but i'm still writing my dates as 2004.heh.i got into tpjc and today was the last day of orientation.was bloody late today.arrived at 8 plus plus.was hoping that they would have finished the talk but it was still going on and on.wet games was held today.dry games was yesterday.tomorrow is i guees,intro to our classes then fri would be that last day of orientation.i guess tp is not as bad as i thought it would be.besides having to still wake up so bloody early in the morning to get on a train and then to catch a bus that gets stucks at a junction for at least ten minutes,i think i'll enjoy it.but it does seem to be a slack school.heh.
i had this wonderful surprise thrown by arafah and sha.they came to my place with a b-dae cake to celebrate my birthday 3 months too late.the cake was real good though.my angel is gonna stay for another two more weeks and he has a rough idea of who i am now.i made delicious brownies[ahem]and saw stars falling from the sky at port dickson.i sat on the beach at 4 am while my cuz went fishing.there is something so quietly peaceful to be sitting on sand and facing the sea.letting the breeze ruffle your hair and clothes.we sat and chatted while watching the sunset.i saw flares and heard ship horned on new year's eve and went to my ever first gig.i think i have the tag here somewhere.i read a dan brown book and painted my room red and yellow.i added stuffs to my list and wrote a poem.i spent time with family and friends and hope i have become a better person.i shifted my furniture,bought a candle,a book,a pair of hi-cuts,new clothes,bed and washing machine.[we still have two!heh].i slacked at home and watched day time tv.i studied my ass off at the airport and watched countless movies.i bonded with my cuz over a coffee caramel drink which i dint like then had an amazing dream about it.i saw look alikes,i went to singapore idol finals and i said goodbye to my secondary school and all the memories that were made.no more good food,no more walks to the mama shop while waiting for lessons to start.no more forcing my friends to take 67 coz i dint like 28.no more practical,no more mrs chai and her weird pronounciation of flask.no more collin with his stupid jokes and friends to share my joy with.no more seeing mr it guy and doodling during social studies.sigh.though my life hasnt been explosive,it has been good.i should stop comparing.i should stop asking,'why dint i have that?' and just be..contented.i love my friends and the craziness they provide.sigh.should stop dwelling and look on ahead.*ahoy mate!
i'm gonna take lit maths and econs.i think i'm really gonna enjoy lit though i have no background of it cept for the dribbles of it that i remember when i studied it during my sec one and sec two years-that's like so way back man!
i'm gonna be brave while facing challenges.ick.heh.but..really!