
oh dear

embarrassment.utter embarrassent.i wish there was a hole for me to hide my head in. or better still that they go away.not us.but them. must have thought that i was a complete idiot. oh dear.i just hope that he dint find out any of the stuffs.otherwise i am screwed.utterly screwed.sigh


a day out

err..this was suppose to be thursday's entry.blogger was being a bitch then.but not now (:
ergh.just got back from gramps.i still dont get it why they have to remember occasions like this.maybe to each their own but shouldnt the living just get on with their lives?so.i had to stay in the room where i was driven mad by her endless babble.sometimes i just wish that she would take a good hard look at herself.all those self pitying.crap man.like she is the only one having problems and had to rest.grrr.people like her make me mad but i have to grin and bear with it.the best is to ignore her.haziq tried to fool us with his lame magic tricks.apparently he is close with the airport guy.ooh-er!

spent the day with dad.he brought me to this place called rex where we had not so nice hofun.whorefun! lol. i drank iced milo from a beer glass.tiger beer anyone? then we went to the second hand car showcase nearby.quite ugly cars there was.still lusting for my beetle.red or white.and once i own it,it will be me, the car and my mates on a road trip to thailand.hopefully by then there wont be anymore killer waves or people who love to kill people for fun.but i keep seeing old ahpeks driving it! jatuh reputasi kereta itu! ish.it has been ages since i wrote anything in malay.anyway,then we went to marina bay and just hanged around.it was weird just being one on one with my dad but it turned out good.i could always just talk to him about stuffs.oh wells.

anyone willing to donate to the get a car for nadzirah fund?any amount of donation is greatly welcome.and i like how this word is spelled.monies.never knew that was the plural form of money! see..this is what life does to you when you havent stepped into a school for so long.(:

...and my cuz got hand foot and mouth disease!apparently the doctor had to notify the government.so if there is an outbreak,please do avoid chai chee area where she is currently banished to an uncomfortable spot in the kitchen.(:


how my feet hurts

went out with them today.suppose to go shopping but dint manage to get anything much.oh well.saw so many gorgeous gorgeous shoes.specially one which only cost thrity bucks.yummy.(:
isnt it amazing that he is with she?he is the last person you would think of for dating her.but there you go.spotted hand in hand at bedok.amazaing.apparently some ite mats were having a name guessing competition.such a sad day tomok.
grandama's birthday is tomorrow and there is going to be yet again another baca bacaan.and it has to fall on a thursday where there are so many good shows to watch.i finnaly got my confirmation letter.the wait was horrid.kept expecting the letter to say that i was rejected and then dad is going to blow a fuse.phew.
apparently the park connecter is well used.besides the usual array of joggers and walkers and old uncles with dogs that refuse to budge,there is me.the slow walker with bags in hand,wishing that i had half of their determination and stamina while admiring their gorgeous albeit hairy legs.ooh-er.


pretty random

maybe i should just give up.

i've been going through random memories that happen to be flitting through my mind.most of em are unpleasant ones.ones that i would cringe in rememberance and hope that it would never never ever happen again.and yet there are ones that made me smile.the asam garam of life.but there are those that just keep on cropping up and up and it makes your heart ache so bad.like that time who and who did that.or the time when this and that happened.pretty uneventful.but it cant possibly be that bad right? there are others who has it worse than me.have to be thankful.but sometimes it's hard to be thankful when you have nothing to be thankful for.
sometimes i wonder if i could ever be like her.or like him.to be able to write. to be able to draw.to have the talent. but i have all that i can ask for,well maybe not all.everyone has something about themselves that they would like to change.right?
i heard about this girl that was so perfect.rich,pretty.there must be a downside to her life right? there has to be a silver lining.there has to be a dark cloud in the otherwise sunny day.anywhere.everywhere.pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.oh god help me.i just feel.so.meeting old mates at poly is scary.they already know you and they might look right throught the new you.as much as you would like to think that you have changed,for all you know,you havent.its so hard to start on a clean slate with someone you already know and have not met for a long time.
handling jc was just fine.the people there were incredible.a breath of fresh air.i miss all those breakfasting though.and the skipping of lessons just because you can get the lecture notes online.i wonder what would have happened if i had stayed on.i miss it actually.especially airport guy.heh.now i'd be the odd one out.the one that has to work super hard to be in the top how many percent? but that doesnt mean that they dont have to work hard too.it'd be a waste though if my two cuz decides to repeat.i hope they wont.i know they wont.one is in china drums.funny she! have to meet up with her.she makes me smile and laugh.god knows i need that.(:
i miss you babe
that time at fort canning was gerek.and i just realised why the pic we took dint come out.it was because the camera was facing the trees instead of us.heh.or maybe the angle was just wrong.i hope the angle was just wrong.otherwise it would have proven what a dork i am.not you though.heh.i'll take all the blame this time round.and i still owe you swensens! i bet mister converse is so out of your life right now right?
the new girl is pissing me off.and the one at taka.called my mom kak and asked for me.
my mom is more like a friend to me now.which is weird.weird in a good way.heh.sometimes i'm so afraid that i might overstep the line.oh well.she still shouts at me regularly.good thing?
my aunt gave birth to her fourth daughter.her name is rusyda.not pronounced as ru-si-dah though.i think.i slept over at the hospital to keep her company and boy,can the baby scream!super duper loud.luckily it does not happen often.macdonalds hotcakes are still the best.oh yum.
i dint realise how cute the sembawang salesman was until sunday.what a preppy looking boy.smart mat.heh. bought the killers.damn good.(: