


and a happy 41st to my mom (:

my bro just pisses me of way bad. i dont know what has gotten into him. it tires me to continue being tolerant of him and he not even making an effort to be nice.
screw him
and i should really stop cursing him. not good.
and maybe he should screw up his psle. than he may realise that he is not so high and mighty after all. damn pissesd. told him that from this day onwards, i will no longer be your sister. the cold treatment? you bet. fucker.

i'm not even able to form proper sentences. it just seems to sound so wrong.




because i'm putting off ironing (;


new skin! (:

but i cheated abit. the boxes were from someone else's, the background and the photos were from getty images.
i cant believe how much work is required!

and the previous post, suppose to be my darlings kaman and mel
not my darling and kaman and mel




fuck. the second batch are getting a prom.
and what do the pioneers get?
a freaking graduation in the freaking hall.

moving on.

yesterday was the last day of school. did nothing much except lunched at lj's where tjan had to mention subaru and i mentally killed her.(:
besides, i have been having dreams about him. he'll just appear, out of nowhere and he'll be there. scruffiness.
exams next next week.
havent been doing well at all for med soc. damn grp project. got a freaking d.
got my first b-day gift from darling and kaman and mel! haha. a pretty bracelet.

i was restless yesterday.mindlessly channel surfing.
now why is everyone out having fun except me?



today has got to be embarrassing.
beside's having classmates proclaiming my short-term relationship, i am worried that he may find out.
stupidly forgot that there were other people sitting behind us and that they were from his class.

but shall forget (:

now, the chalet.
i really hope i can go though the chances of me sleeping over are abit tight.

and i swear tjan, i am never talking to you agian. (:
red red rambutans.

utter randmoness.
med soc was dead boring. was doodling and writing stupid prose on my lecture notes. i can't help it cos the lecturer was dead boring. almost wished that it was soon soon instead. god help me.
marketing plan is due and i am proud to say that we have made some dents into it.
research has been done, brochure is made and journalism is actually,finally completed!(:



an irritating eeeeiiinnggg noise is driving me nuts. vaccuming. havent done that in ages.
totally random post. updating cos i just feel like it. lalalal.

managed to catch the parade on tv. some of the mps really wave spastically. our pm looks as though he's conducting a band. it was pure torture looking at people lip synching into the microphones. thank god i went out to go catch the fireworks instead of staying home.
shit ass monkey wipes i tell you.

havent been a much constructive day. every week there are major projects to be handed in and this thursday would be no difference. i think our group would have to pull and all nighter again.

and sha, if you're reading this, tell me the link for your blog yah? (:

the formal presentation was -dots- ispokewaytofastandmrsaishahadthisweirdlookonherface.

i hope selvan does not know that i faked my way through the iwa2.there isnt even a comittee set up to clear the litter nor is there a no littering sign.

the rain just now was awesome. cascading. and now it's back to hot. awww.

my mom is weird. she just called then said bye bye.

i wish there were four seasons here. then we can walk through huge piles of red leaves, ass-white snow and wade through rain.


and i can't argue with this-
I can't forgive, can't forget, can't give in, what went wrong cause you said this was right, you fucked up my life.
-blink 182, what went wrong

and oh, whatever happened to the long talks and tight hugs?

4 more to a 100

i took 28 just now where in most cases, i would tend to avoid it.
while i sat, i contemplated on the past and how it would have been in the future.


i do not regret what happened.
but it would be nice to know that there would always, always, be someone there for you.
a safety net when you fall.

i hope he's doing okay now and that he's happy.
God bless.



untold things

so, the summary of the gone entry was that

-i made this great realisation that maybe,maybe, the whole world knows.
but we dint mention names just now. so please?

-went to go catch fireworks.
gorgeous, i say

-curly fries are love! and so are curly hair

-and that i should stop my infatuation.
saving grace.
oh fuck blogspot.
there goes my god damn entry.


woo hoo!

ta-da! my first A! thanks so much to kaman! for making my brochure look damn good.
but it does really look reaaaall gooodddd.

i am currently in love with james blunt. he's voice is something else together. it's just, sigh.

spent today's class playing willy wonka's game and crapping for individual assignment 2.
opposite me was that boy with the hair. nice voice he has. eudora gave me a super dirty look while i was passing her the cookies that daryl made. she is -dots-. haha. dammit. she ought to be nice to people. shall stop.

going over to mel's place to go bake cookies! haha. but there are so many of us. maybe i shall just watch hitch at her place. heh. bah. totally boring and random entry. asses. all of you. asses.

i really should stop saying sorry. it's irritating the hell out of people! (: