

so,leaving soon. i hope i'll be back in one piece!

i'm nervous and anxious and excited. it's a totally new adventure



if only i had more time than this

yesterday was super duper awesome can? screamed my lungs out when peterpan walked on stage for winning the most popular band award, after losing to mawi for most popular song. i got so pissed that they lost in that category that i refused to clap each time mawi comes on stage. hoho. he sounds like donald duck though that boy. but it was great. the sound was so loud i could feel my scarf vibrating and lets not mention the feel of the beat of the drums. sounds like horse-face song! haha. the beat of my hear, the beat of my heart. hoho. enough of that already.
been aimlessly surfing websites for the past hour and i cant help but think that maybe, those jap boys are gay. specially uchi and ryo, especially when i found a totally gay ass photo of them. ryo looks, well. strange. (:

and the people at the award show last night were so dressed up! all the makcik makcik in beads and shiny shiny tudongs and dresses and made up hair and of course, super thick makeup. and me and lina were in jeans and top. what's the point of dressing up when you're going to sit in the dark for at least three hours? the only exposure your clothes is going to get is when you walk in and out of the hall.
strange people.

[edit] i like what sha said in her blog, and i guess i'm waiting to be discovered



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this is what i have been harping on and on about, it's all in the smile, it's all in the smile.

it took me ages to find this photo! now i'm getting sick of looking already. dots.

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brandon boyd

talk about a totally bimbotic entry.

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hugs and kisses (:


gasp! i think i've just died and went to heaven (:
today was an overload of ryo. like he was, everywhere. in the magazine of course. and i finally finally found somewhere where i can get photos of him. ok, enough gushing already.

went to catch v for vendetta with kaman. i really enjoyed the show though i closed my eyes when he started brandishing that sword around, slicing and choping off whichever parts of the body he could reach. the show makes me think too, and it has been ages since i've been to a movie that does that. the cinema was crowded though, with half of it filled with jc kids from the same school. it was weird. front, back, left, right, all in their white uniforms and blue skirts/pants. it's a show filled with twist and turns and in the end, i marvel at the way how the events of the past linked together to create the situation as it is now. it's about a revolution and knowing that one day you have to stand up, take charge, and fight for your rights.
'the people should not be afraid of the government, the govenrment should be afraid of the people'
and the scary thing is, it might all just come true. the world isnt what we thought it used to be. things are changing, wars are starting, chaos erupting. it's just a matter of time, really.

and oh, my fish is a cannibal. it eats other fishes smaller than him. stupid fish.


went swimming today and i'm tired already! it's ridiculous feeling so tired. i just want to sleep and never wake up, or something to that exten.
yesterday was mad watching of japanese drama, ok kaman, that boy kind of grows on you (: but you have to watch several episodes and cringe in horror first. it's super funny. mom got addicted to it too.
only a few more days left until we head off to shaghai and i'm still not packed yet. the days are passing by so fast. like blink, and oh-ho, it's a tuesday. it still feels like a sunday though.

and swimming feels so good. there's just something about being in the water that makes me feel so happy and comfortable. it's a different thing all together. just floating and being slightly submerged and you're all cocoon inside and you can't hear anything except for the humming. breathe in, breathe out

cheers <3



vague memories flitting pass. snippets of this and that and you grab hold, try to remember but you cant. all you can see are colours, wonderfully so. on this bright lazy saturday afternoon.
i like how some people can write all over the place before getting to the point. or the point is there, hidden in between the lines, hiding behind the words. and you have to think and try to infer what it is that they are actually trying to say to you.

all over the place, over and under.

to live underwater, now wouldnt that be a sight to see <3


oh no it's that feeling all over again. the oh oh something bad is so going to happen but i dont know what. normally nothing happens but it's still there and it's irritating. i'm pissed at my group mate because he does not have the decency to call back and to let me know what on earth is happening right now. fuck him. no one can get along with him anyway. i still dont think that our project will get a decent grade.maybe a freaking c. i hate this. really. so there's nothing to do but wait and hope things will turn out alright. but i hate waiting. i really do. it's better to do something about it rather than nothing. oh fuck it all. but thank god the group assignment is only 15%. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

nothing is completed right now. no sense of security.



was at kaman's place today to watch video after video of kattun. strangely, i am addicted to kame, though he does have a slightly femenine look. but he does know how to dress though. and the song teppen is running in my head ((:
i realised again, how easily influenced i am. if you were to tell me a year ago that i would have been addicted to j-pop and japanese men, i would have smacked you, but look at me now! tsk.
luckily i surround myself with wonderful people with wonderful taste in music, life and men.
havent really seen the besties around, what with me having classes and all. it's been ages. time for a meet up already!

i'm procastinating writing my part for the project but i know i have to do it sooner or later. just what do you write for a topic called the economic future of shanghai and singapore. i started yesterday and i only wrote one page. grrrrrrr.

met tjan and eudora yesterday at the airport to send them off. there was a fairly large group there. imagine when the shanghai people are due to fly off, we'll be taking up this huuuuggeeeee placel. gigantic, enourmous! ho ho.



my dad bought me the nano ((:
oh things could not get any better right now <33

tjan, eudora and the rest of the people heading to perth will be flying off this week. i wished i could go too! three weeks of idependent living in a foreign land. sigh.
but i'm flying off too, to shanghai!



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went to the beach with the besties and it could not have been more fun. it was nice to sit and talk and try not to get blown off by the wind. i will always always be thankful for the friendship and i love them bits to pieces and pieces to bits. it's something to treasure, this bond ((:



mom surprised me by asking if i could get hold of some brochures about studying there. i'm contemplating emailing some kids but am very unsure about it. besides, who knows what might change two years down the road?

so far, i've finished watching 1 litre of tears, which true to its tittle, made me cry just about oh, every episode and waiting for the last installment of pride! so much for playing maple eh, been busy watching jap dramas instead. (:

it always surprises me that i can see so many stars. i've always had the impression that since we live in a country with such tall buildings, i might not get a chance to stargaze, but i am wrong. gazing at the stars reminds me of the time when we were at sarawak and dad pointed out to me few of the constellations. but all i remember now is the three sisters, which are three stars in a row.
this entire post sounds wrong somehow. hey-ho! let's go!