

ok so the past few days has just been a whirlwind one way or another. so it's just a quick synopsis (i hope)

it started with monday where we had to do piece to camera again. tjan and mel came over and we went over to the field near my place to report that tampines is burning down, yet again. i swear standing in front of the camera is addictive. we just kept doing take after take after take. "want to do one more take?" "sure"
standing in front of the camera is not so bad now. maybe i've finally gotten the hang of it. same goes too for make up. i find it strangely addictive and blending the colours on the eyelids is like uber fun. but wearing liquid eyeliner is still a pain in the ass.

tues was help tjan and her group with their psa day. i was suppose to be their talent and i lugged a bag filled with clothes which can last me for three days if i suddenly decided to leave home. there were three skirts, three tops, two scarves and a baju kurung. in the end, somebody else was their talent and i stayed behind as their honorary (if ever that is how you spell the word) member. then i met the cousin and i ended up staying over at her place. it's conveninet like that. lol
flags of our fathers was uber cool. i loved the wide angle shots and the fact that heroes are not who we think they are. ultimately, they are still ordinary people, leading none to happy lives just happy to be there. they were caught in that moment and that moment only lasted for awhile. over time people forget and life goes on, just like how it always does. hopefully the sequel will be just as good.
by the time the movie ended, the last train left dhoby gaut already. i was panicking slightly but we managed to catch 7, than 28 than 38. it took us less than hour to get home and that was with the pouring rain! late nights are fun. (:

staying up late is so difficult. we watched heart and i laughed at most parts cause i was just predicting how the show will end up. it's just cheesy and i dont know why is it that people were crying so bad in the end. i mean, it's ok lah. the ending redeemed the movie but i have to say that the best friend is damn smart. you cant be with him so you donate your heart to his soon to be wife so that in a way, you'll always be with him, but not in the physical sense. and the scary part is that heart donors sometimes pick up characteristics of the previous heart owners. so does that mean he married his girlfriend and his best friend at the same time? wanted to watch alexandria but i was just too tired so i gave up. watched it at seven in the morning instead. i totally loved the second movie as compared to the first! the guy was much cuter though he was much bigger of an ass. but at least that plot was interesting enough.

much love to the cousin who is the bestest host ever! <33 cooking for me maggie and layaning my weird habits. BE WARE OF THE FULL LOAD LIFT OKAY! (:
and thanks to her, i am addicted to princess hours and the main lead. he is cute okay! no matter what zy, kaman or tjan says.

theeeennn on wed, was back to school to digitise our psa and to check time code for broadcast. went back home to crash and then stayed up half the night wathing princess hours. i am addicted to that show. i swear. gah.

i met ili on thurs to see coral sec band perform. they were ok but i was more blown away by the taman pertaling's band. they were an all girls band their sound was just much more nicer than coral! and this despite coral having more members.
watching the band play, i was reminded of sec school days where band was my life. it was a love hate relationship but i treasured the moments. our first performance and all. being the pioneers of that school, we couldnt really achieve much as a band but i was happy with the time i spent there.
i'm tempted tempted to join tp band but i know there's no way in hell that i can cope. i miss my euphonium and practicing and playing together.

finally today was back to school and then to victoria theatre to catch ra ra perform. i thought it wouldnt be so religious but i got a tad uncomfortable while wating for them to arrive. but i went in in the end and enjoyed watching ra ra dance. i was completelys shock! like wow! RA YOU WERE SUPERB! hope the rest of the performance went well enough (:
had late lunch at marina square then did super quick window shopping where i made tjan try the most ridiculous pair of high heels ever. shoes are love! i can never get enough of shoes. zy had to rush off and i hope she cures her cough soon! i cant stand hearing people laugh. on one hand, it's quite irritating and on the other, it's really quite poor thing for the person. having coughing fits is no walk in the park!

ok, so much for a short summary! heh. cookies to you if you ever made it this far.
thanks loves for the presents! appreciate it much! <33



i like being all alone on a rainy day. it's comforting that i am here, sheltered and not out and most probably drenched. as much as i love the rain and the smells it brings with it, i crave for sunshine too.
blue skies and wind, just like the weather we had while filming for the psa. it did not rain at all on that day, cept for a short and light drizzle. took us a while to get started but alhamdullilah, things worked out fine, just like they always do in the end (:

it irks me that my post still contains grammatical errors. like hello, what is wrong with me? the strangest part is that i read and re read each post thinking that it's all fine and dandy and by the time i post it up, i've found another mistake somewhere. but it's ok. i'm never much of a grammar person anyway.

and while watching tatta, i just cried and cried and cried and cried some more a good ten minutes after the show ended. i was prepared for the tears so there i was on my purple couch snivelling and asking why couldnt they just hold on and make it work. then i re watched it again yesterday and still i cried and cried and cried. i can't help it. i remember telling may how i feel about holding hands, how it's one of the nicest sweetest things ever and seeing them holding hands for that last fifteen minutes just well, caused me to tear up. talking about may, i miss her. as much as i thought that i wouldnt get along with her, she turned out to be one of the nicest people that i have ever met. it's just too bad that we're not in touch now. but i miss her, really do. all the stupid conversations and laughter, i hope she's doing alright now. (:
but i'll be meeting the four one people soon enough so that's something to look forward too <33

you know, there are so many things that i am thankful for. the people in my life, how i live my life and the decisions that i've made that brought me here today. but still, i can never get enough. i always want that something, to be somebody else, to live in another place. i try hard to be contented but i always end up whining about wanting something else. but i guess that's natural huh. i've never really met anyone who is contented with what they have and can be so happy about it.even the rich have something to gripe about.
i guess i just have to make it work. to remind myself that there are others who are worse off than me. and that i should treasure what i have now, as cliche as it may sound.

i lost my love at twenty. that just one love, how can you lose it so soon? but as always, just as how j dramas go, there'll be a happy ending for both of them. as least, that's how it looks like from that screen cap. a happy ending to give us hope, us who live real lifes and not one that's potrayed on tv. it's dangerous watching shows like these, reading books like the one i'm reading. it gives me hope. and i know as much as you do how destructive hope can be. but it's always there. no matter how i try to lock it up, it comes creeping silently.
and i understand how you feel liking to be alone with nothing to worry about.
but treasure it while it last before the madness begins again and very soon, it will all be over.

on another note, i noticed an ad for a digital quran. isnt that crazy? cause one of the tandas of kiamat is that quran can no longer be found in the traditional book form. why cant we resist technology for just this special item? why cant we just preserve it as it is, keep it and pass it down to future generations? because as much as i hate to admit it, it's nearing isnt it. it's just a matter of time.



and so my throat aches and thunder booms just outside. i'm afraid i'd have no voice tomorrow so i'm trying my best to quit talking, screaming, and fan girling.
the trip to malacca was ok, beautiful weather and silly jokes and long car rides. i cant wait to get my license, but really, are the streets safe with me behind the wheels?
the first night was spent in the worst possible resort room ever cause the normal place we went too was apparently fully booked. so much for dad's it's a monday, sure got room philosophy. after spending the night on the hard floor, yes, hard floor cause there was only one queen size bed which is as lumpy as can be and trying to get some sleep despite the neighbours babrbequing at eleven freaking pm, we managed to get a room at a decent hotel.
no trip to kl though but i did ask petronas if they would offer me an internship programme. i hope they reply with a response soon enough. i feel as though i'm not ready to bear all these responsibilities and going to work seems like torture to me.
i rather stay in my own little world but i know somehow sometime, i've got to step foot outdoors and venture out a little. it's just that the future scares me. i've repeated it over and over and over and over, but well, the future scares me.

often, i go to sleep thinking if i'll wake up the next morning. god knows there has been so many cases of people dying in their sleep and i wonder if what i have done here is enough. enough for akhirat, enough for people to remember me by. enough for me to truly say, my time on earth is well spent.
insya-allah, everything will be ok

i call the bestie thinking i have some great news to tell her but i find that i have none. it seems like, after six years of friendship, we seem to be running out of topics to talk about. BUT HOW CAN THAT BE?! that silly girl twisted her ankle and hahahaha, you cant tease me about falling down on flat ground now can you!



i feel like i'm missing something but i just cant put my finger to it.
stuyding for ccc makes me want to vomit blood. only four bloody lectures but there are so many things squeezed inside! no wonder i dont pay attention during her lectures. gah.
okay, pointless entry.



i guess the most important thing is to find yourself and to feel comfortable with who you are. cause there's really no one else to please except for yourself. sometimes you have to learn to let go and to not care what other people think of you. i think my mood swings are extremely extreme as i was super high during radio, not even scared or nervous about going on air. i was feeling very relaxed and comfortable and was like, oh what the hell. so what if you screw up kind of feeling.
then i kind of mellowed down till now. i was so anxious that i would not bleed again this month that when it came, i'm cursing the extra pimples on the face. but it's alright (:

i finally passed my basic! i took two tries but it's ok (:
my heart was beating so fast during the test,i thought it would literally pop out from my rib cage and start beating right there on the desk! so it's advance for me now! i hope i'd get it right in one try.